"The Chronicles of Messianic and Christian" (About 90
pages), author J.L. Hendricks.
The Chronicles of Messianic and Christian are
allegorical stories of two characters named Messianic and Christian
that highlights the challenges and theology of the modern Messianic
movement as it engages the traditional Jewish and Christian
communities. The stores are set in and around the Holy City
of Jerusalem. The stories are delightful, enlightening, and
thought provoking. The genre follows somewhat that of
Pilgrims Progress.
Also, these allegorical stories may have the tendency
to be offensive. The reader needs to keep in mind that the
stories are allegorical.
One Messianic minister responded with, "Wow! A great
way to communicate biblical teaching"
The book is spiral bound, with about 90
Cost: $7.00,
plus $3.00
shipping and